Why you lose interest in people who have the most interest in you
You recently started dating your dream guy. He’s hot, and he’s got a great smile and a fantastic personality. He likes the same stuff you do. You both love watching old movies and he has a pet you adore. He’s honest, trustworthy, and totally into you. He’s amazing.
And you? You’re bored.
You’ve lost interest, and it’s probably not because there’s anything wrong with him. The problem lies with you, sister.
This most likely isn’t the first time you’ve felt this way. You met a guy and had a chance to make something great out of it, but then it wasn’t too long before you became annoyed at the way he chewed his straw in the restaurant or the wheezy sound of his snores. You got mad because he squeezed the toothpaste from the middle, or left his ke...