Make Personal Devotion A Lifestyle – Apostle Samuel Osei Asante
Apostle Samuel Osei Asante, the Kaneshie Area Head and Executive Council Member of The Church of Pentecost, has urged Christians to make personal devotion a lifestyle because a weak devotional life hinders one from living a Christ-like life.
Speaking on “Flourishing Life through Personal Devotions” at the Kaneshie Area Officers’ Retreat (Apostolisation) at the Kaneshie Central Assembly auditorium yesterday, Apostle S.O. Asante described a devotional lifestyle as a habit of spending time with the Lord through prayer, Bible reading, studying, and meditating on His Word, leading to a flourishing life.
Apostle S. O Asante portrayed an individual with a devotional lifestyle as consistent, devoted, and dedicated to God. He highlighted that such a lifestyle results in personal transformatio...