Monday, March 10It's All About Jesus

Tag: Pakistan

56 Slaves In Pakistan Run To Jesus Christ

56 Slaves In Pakistan Run To Jesus Christ

International, Pentecost News
On May 28, 2023, 56 enslaved people from the brick line factory in Shakhopura, Pakistan, surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ and allowed themselves to be baptised in water. The Church of Pentecost, Pakistan, which led the outreach, presented Urdu Bibles to the new converts to help them learn more about Jesus Christ. The Church also gave them meals. The Church of Pentecost team often visits the brick line factory to worship with them. The people have been enslaved for generations since their forefathers had a debt that was becoming unbearable for them, and the outcome was slavery. The Church provides them with access to basic education, weekly worship services, and a tent at their workplace where they may attend church services and eat. We pray that our faithful ...
Pakistan floods: ‘It’s like fighting a war with no end’

Pakistan floods: ‘It’s like fighting a war with no end’

International, World News
More than 2,000 hospitals and health centres were damaged or destroyed in recent floods in Pakistan – and families and their children are battling malnutrition and infection in what’s now a public health emergency. Doctors like Ammara Gohar are on the front lines of the crisis as the UN launches a fresh appeal for the world to send more aid. “It’s very difficult for us. We attended to patients during Covid, but this is tougher because it involves environmental hazards,” says Dr Ammara, a gynaecologist four years into her medical career. She is working out of a school in rural Sindh province, the area worst affected in the floods, which has temporarily become the headquarters for the district health office after it was submerged. Here, Dr Ammara and her team load a van with boxe...

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