Saturday, February 15It's All About Jesus

The Death Of Jesus Is Enough For Us – Apostle Nyamekye

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“We should no longer fear death because Christ has broken the power of death and freed us. Jesus’ death for us is enough.”
These were the words of the Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, as he delivered a sermon on Sunday, December 24, 2023, at the Pentecost International Worship Centre (PIWC) Asokwa, Kumasi, during the climax of their 2023 Christmas convention.
Speaking on the topic, “The Virgin Birth,” the Chairman asserted that the essence of Christmas lies in the profound narratives of Jesus Christ’s incarnation and sacrificial death for humanity.
Highlighting the Christian faith’s distinctiveness, Apostle Nyamekye underscored the importance of two fundamental beliefs: the incarnation, signifying God becoming man, and the death and resurrection of Christ.
He emphasised that these tenets, encapsulated in the Christmas and Easter narratives, set Christianity apart from other religions.
Apostle Nyamekye stated: “Christmas and Easter separate Christianity from any other religion. It is in this simple gospel that we have come to faith. Christmas is a significant event in the life of Christians and Christianity.”
Addressing potential criticisms of Christmas, the Chairman, who doubles as the President of the Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council (GPCC), urged Christians to celebrate the holiday fervently, rejecting objections based on its Christian foundation.
He remarked: “Let the whole world know that Jesus has purchased their salvation and that they must receive it by faith. No sinner in your home should die and go to hell because Jesus has paid their price. Tell them of the new arrangement of Christ, that He has purchased their salvation.”
Referencing Isaiah 7:14 and Matthew 1, Apostle Nyamekye elucidated the strategic nature of Jesus’ birth, pointing to compelling proofs of the virgin birth. He cited instances where Jesus referred to God as His father, never addressing Mary as His mother, and explicitly claiming to be the Son of God.
According to the Chairman, a crucial aspect of the virgin birth is its role in reversing the impact of sin on humanity.
Quoting John 6:39, he emphasised that Jesus came into the world to overturn the effects of sin uniquely, distinguishing His entrance from conventional human birth.
Further expounding on the importance of the virgin birth, Apostle Nyamekye explained its role in qualifying Jesus to be humanity’s High Priest, drawing from Hebrews 2:11-17. By sharing humanity’s experiences, Jesus broke the power of death, he stressed.
The Chairman highlighted the redemptive significance of Jesus’ death, citing Hebrews 9:22. He asserted that Jesus, through His sacrificial act, became the propitiation for sins, appeasing the wrath of God and securing salvation for believers.
The PIWC Askowa 2023 Christmas convention, which was held under the theme, “I bring You Good News (Luke 2:10),” began on Wednesday, December 20, 2023. Speakers included Apostle Peter Kofi Dzemekey (Asokwa Area Head), Apostle Prof. Joseph I. T. Buertey (Resident Minister, PIWC Asokwa) and Overseer Joshua Semador.
Present at the service included Mrs Mary Nyamekye, the wife of the Chairman, and Apostle Peter Kofi Dzamekey (Asokwa Area Head).


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