As part of efforts to promote Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in Junior High Schools, the participants of the national Junior Science and Maths Quiz (JSMQ) received a three-day tour of the various laboratories at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST).
The tour included the Geological, Core and Rock Property, Power, Molecular Medicine and Microbiology Laboratories.
The rest are Product Development, School of Veterinary Medicine, Nuclear, and Mathematics Laboratories.
Emmanuel Justice Abeiko, a final year student at St. Anthony Padia Catholic J.H.S. relished the experience.
“The lab tour was wonderful. I wish to pursue science in higher education. My favorite session was the math lab, where I discovered the many ways that math can be used and employed in the field of health,” he said.
A lead Coach of St. Anthony of Padia Catholic J.H.S at Kwesimintim in Takoradi Abugbilla, Ms. Sonia Ndego, emphasized the significance of the lab trip by describing it as “the best exposure the students could ever have.”
“A few institutions have science labs and most science topics are taught in abstract; hence, the fact that children experienced this in three days is quite amazing.
“I teach maths and for a moment I wished I did Science, because the things that looked mysterious in science were simplified to us in the labs.
“The first three days were the most essential part of their stay since it sparked the contestants’ interests in pursuing STEM,” she said.
She thanked the organizers and noted that this was the best competition the school had ever attended.