The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has declared that Jesus Christ is the only accredited saviour of the world.
He made this declaration on Sunday, December 29, 2024, during the climax of the 2024 Christmas convention at the Pentecost International Worship Centre (PIWC), Atomic in Accra.
Speaking on the topic, ‘What is it?’ Apostle Nyamekye cited several biblical references to address people’s curiosity about who Jesus is. He established that Jesus is the only accredited saviour of the world.
He emphasised the necessity for Christians to guard Christmas, which is being opposed by some groups due to its Christian foundation. He noted that Christmas is a period where believers remember the basis of their faith and proclaim Jesus as the Saviour.
Referencing Exodus 16:1-16, he illustrated how the Israelites, upon leaving Egypt and entering the wilderness, God provided them with food and water when they were in dire need of it. He noted that God’s provision of bread prompted them to ask, ‘What is this?’
According to him, the bread was not merely for their physical needs but the sustenance of their entire lives and how the word of God would govern them.
Apostle Nyamekye also discussed a scenario from John 6:30-42, where people questioned Jesus’ identity as He claimed to be ‘the bread of life.’ He pointed out that from His birth to His death and even today, people continue to wonder about who Jesus is. He mentioned that even Joseph was confused about whether to keep Mary or divorce her quietly.
To answer the question ‘Who is this man (Jesus)?’ he referenced Colossians 1:15-20, affirming that Jesus is God and preexists all things; in Him, all things hold together.
He added that if Jesus resides within someone, then both the Holy Spirit and God are also present in them.
He also cited Acts 17:31-32 to assert that Jesus is indeed the only accredited Savour of the world and that no other religious leader can claim such a status.