Sunday, March 9It's All About Jesus

Fix The Motorway

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Urgent Appeal for the Renovation of the Tema Motorway

Dear Ghanaians,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to draw your attention to a pressing issue that affects the lives and safety of countless Ghanaians: the deplorable state of the Tema Motorway, officially known as N1.

The Tema Motorway is a crucial 19-kilometer highway that connects the bustling cities of Tema and Accra in Ghana. This vital transportation artery has been in operation since 1965, serving as a lifeline for the people of Ghana. However, over the years, the motorway has deteriorated to a point where it poses a severe threat to public safety and the nation’s productivity.

The sorry state of the Tema Motorway has led to a cascade of issues that demand immediate attention. Firstly, it has become a perilous death trap, claiming the lives of ordinary Ghanaians who have no choice but to traverse this hazardous route. The grim reality of fatalities on this road is a burden we can no longer bear.

Furthermore, the dilapidated condition of the motorway has given rise to incessant traffic jams that rob Ghanaians of precious time that could be better spent on productive activities. This chronic congestion is not only frustrating but also detrimental to our nation’s economic progress.

In addition to the traffic nightmare, the sorry state of the motorway has wreaked havoc on vehicles. Countless motorists have fallen victim to tire bursts and other damages due to protruding iron rods and treacherous potholes that mar the road’s surface. The absence of streetlights compounds the dangers, making nighttime travel on the Tema Motorway a harrowing experience.

It is imperative that we take action now to rectify this dire situation. Our lives matter, and our safety is non-negotiable. As a concerned Ghanaian, I implore you to join the urgent campaign to #FixTheMotorway. Let us unite our voices and demand immediate renovations to ensure the safety and well-being of all Ghanaians.

I urge you to share this message far and wide, with friends, family, and anyone who cares about the future of our great nation. Together, we can make a difference and compel the authorities to prioritize the restoration of the Tema Motorway.

Let us stand united for a safer, more efficient, and prosperous Ghana. The time to act is now.


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