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Tag: 67th Independence Day celebration

Full text: Akufo-Addo’s speech at the 67th Independence Day celebration

Full text: Akufo-Addo’s speech at the 67th Independence Day celebration

Ghana News
Fellow Ghanaians, let me start by welcoming our special guest of honour, the redoubtable President of our western neighbour, the Republic of Cote d’Ivoire, His Excellency Alassane Ouattara, to the formal celebrations of the 67th anniversary of Ghana’s independence. I thank the children from across the country for their excellent march. I thank the cultural troupes from across the country on their magnificent display, which has showcased the best of Ghanaian culture. I thank the officers, men and women of the Ghana Armed Forces, the Police Service and the other Security Services for their display of order, pomp and ceremony. And I thank them all for their willingness to put their lives on the line to secure the safety of our nation, the peace of our society, and the sanctity of our prop...

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