Monday, March 10It's All About Jesus

Tag: calling

The Calling Received, As Department/Committee Workers Of Hum: The Inter-Departmental Teamwork (IDT) Culture In Perspective

The Calling Received, As Department/Committee Workers Of Hum: The Inter-Departmental Teamwork (IDT) Culture In Perspective

The concept and slogan, "All things to all People", of the Home and Urban Missions (HUM), is inspired by Paul's statement in 1 Corinthians 9:19-23. Paul, a Jew by birth and an apostle to the Gentiles by calling, subjected himself to the law of Christ, which transcends boundaries, cultures, social classes, and people groups. As a Jew and an apostle, Paul was entitled to many rights, privileges, usages, and laws. However, he chose not to stand on privileges but denied himself for their sakes, so that he might win their souls. Thus, he became all things to all people, so that by all lawful means, he might win some for Christ. This is the mandate of HUM. Through the leadership of the Chairman and the Executive Council of the Church, HUM was birthed in May 2019 at the 16th Extraordinary C...
Called To Be The Light Of The World

Called To Be The Light Of The World

In many nations such as the USA, Canada, UK, Germany, and Australia, terms like "ungodly nations" and "modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah" are often used to describe societies whose norms, laws, and educational curriculums do not align with the values and principles of the Kingdom of God. Recently, during a series of mass gatherings of young people around the world, deep questions have arisen about morality and the church's stance on issues such as the acceptance of the LGBTQIA+ community, the concept of abstinence, and its relevance in today’s society. These are major concerns for the future of strong, healthy, and sustainable churches. This year, the church is being challenged to live out its calling and become the true light of the world in every sphere. The calling to be the light is ...
The Sacred Dance Of Heart And Purpose: Unleashing Our Divine Calling Through ‘Fa Akoma Pa Nante’

The Sacred Dance Of Heart And Purpose: Unleashing Our Divine Calling Through ‘Fa Akoma Pa Nante’

"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." - Proverbs 4:23 In the intricate tapestry of Ghanaian wisdom, there lies a profound truth captured in the phrase "Fa Akoma Pa Nante" - Walking with a good heart. This ancient wisdom resonates deeply with the transformative theme that echoes through our spiritual corridors today: "Unleashed to Live a Life Worthy of Your Calling." Picture, if you will, a river flowing through diverse landscapes. Sometimes it rushes with purpose; other times, it meanders gently, but always it moves forward, carrying life-giving water to everything it touches. This is the essence of walking with a good heart - a continuous flow of divine purpose that transforms both the journey and the traveler. The Symphony of Heart and Purpose ...
Understanding And Identifying Your Calling To Live A Life Worthy Of It

Understanding And Identifying Your Calling To Live A Life Worthy Of It

As part of the necessary steps for us to transform the world effectively, The Church of Pentecost has set a clear focus for this year: to unleash the entire church to live a life that reflects their divine calling. To achieve this, we must understand the nature of God’s call and explore the various ways in which we can identify our specific purposes. Throughout the Bible, God periodically called people to Himself to fulfil a particular mandate or assignment. For instance, in Genesis 12, when God wanted to raise a generation or nation for Himself, He called Abram, whose name was later changed to Abraham, as a vessel to achieve this purpose. God communicated to Abraham his mandate as the father of many nations. Hence, Abraham lived his entire life fulfilling this fatherly assignment. Simi...
A Life Worthy Of Your Calling: A Nurse’s Journey Of Faith And Compassion

A Life Worthy Of Your Calling: A Nurse’s Journey Of Faith And Compassion

What does it mean to live a life worthy of your calling? This statement transcends having a career or performing your responsibilities. Living a life worthy of your calling involves embracing the purpose for which you were created and walking in alignment with it daily. It means understanding your unique gifts, talents, and responsibilities and using them to serve others and glorify God. It is about being intentional in every action or decision you take, ensuring that every moment is aligned with your inner mission to serve humanity and honour God. Such a life demands discipline, humility, and faithfulness. It is a life of purpose, where everything you do, whether seen or unseen, becomes a testament to a higher calling. As a nurse, you are called to serve others in their most vulnerable...

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