Tuesday, March 11It's All About Jesus

The Calling Received, As Department/Committee Workers Of Hum: The Inter-Departmental Teamwork (IDT) Culture In Perspective

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The concept and slogan, “All things to all People”, of the Home and Urban Missions (HUM), is inspired by Paul’s statement in 1 Corinthians 9:19-23. Paul, a Jew by birth and an apostle to the Gentiles by calling, subjected himself to the law of Christ, which transcends boundaries, cultures, social classes, and people groups.

As a Jew and an apostle, Paul was entitled to many rights, privileges, usages, and laws. However, he chose not to stand on privileges but denied himself for their sakes, so that he might win their souls. Thus, he became all things to all people, so that by all lawful means, he might win some for Christ.

This is the mandate of HUM. Through the leadership of the Chairman and the Executive Council of the Church, HUM was birthed in May 2019 at the 16th Extraordinary Council Meeting as a new ministry, completely dedicated to becoming all things to all people, reaching out to the marginalized, unreached and unengaged people groups.

Despite the clear mandate, it appears that not every Church member has come to terms with the goals and objectives of this Ministry. Furthermore, the Ministry platform has historically been centered around the clergy, often overlooking the active involvement of the laity. Many young people want a way and a place to do ministry beyond the pulpit ministry but lack the direction. This situation necessitates a re-examination of our approach to ministry and a renewed emphasis on collaboration and teamwork as already highlighted in the Vision 2028 of the Church of Pentecost.

In Vision 2028, it is stated that every member, every ministry, and every Local Assembly would become a channel through which God’s grace reaches others. According to the specific outcomes expected at the end of August 2028, at least, 50% of adult members, 50% of the youth, and 10% of the children would have aligned themselves with the corporate mandate of the church to transform society, and would have involved themselves in ministry beyond the church. One of the actions to be taken by all ministries is to give special attention to the establishment and strengthening of small groups (squads) as vital platforms for mobilization, fellowship, accountability, and mutual support in spiritual growth. HUM, in the Vision 2028, is expected to collaborate with the Traditional Ministries and other Ministry interventions such as the Pentecost Students and Associates (PENSA), Counseling Ministry, Pentecost International Worship Centres (PIWCS), Chaplaincy Ministry, among others.

Reference to Paul the apostle and our Lord Jesus Christ, the calling has an aim and an end. The aim is to win some for Christ (1 Corinthians 9:22) and the end is to make them like Christ as commissioned by our Lord Jesus himself in Matthew 28:19, 20.

Everything HUM is, and does, consolidates in winning others to the kingdom and discipling them to become like our Lord Jesus Christ. HUM is able to do these through several in-house services or interventions, which are further labelled as subcommittees or departments.

HUM’s in-house services include various subcommittees/ departments, such as Literature Committee, Diaspora Missions Committee, Fulani Ministry Committee, Media (Electronic Unit, Social Media, Print & Graphics), Pent 5000, Research & Innovations Department, Drama/Choreography & Sports, Ministry to the Other UPGs, City Ministry and Vulnerable Children & Children at Risk. The others include Nation Possessors Committee, Professionals in Critical Missions, Secretariat, Ministry to Internal Migrants, Centre for Drug Misuse Prevention, Education, Rehabilitation and Integration (CDPERT), Outreach Ministry, Equipping Centre, and the Discipleship Ministry. These departments work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure that the goals of HUM are achieved. The inclusion of these departments have given ministry platforms to both the clergy and non-clergy who are mostly young people.

HUM as a ministry, is running very fast because we have a supportive leadership base from the Chairman, The General Secretary, The International Missions Director, Executive Council, Area Heads, Ministers, Officers and Members of the Church. Additionally, one of the successes of HUM is due to the robust intra-organizational culture that exists.

One of these cultures that has brought HUM this far since its inception is the culture of Inter-Department Teamwork (IDT). IDT is a strong culture among departments in HUM, where each subcommittee needs the other, and thus, all sub-committees/departments are both intra-dependent and inter-dependent. None works as an island or in isolation of the other.

IDT calls for leaders at all levels to be intentional and innovative in birthing ministry opportunities for both the clergy and the laity to offer gifts and sacrifices to the Lord. As part of the IDT efforts, HUM recognizes and harnesses the talent, gifts, and skills of the young ones especially the non-clergy. Ministry as emphasized by the Chairman, Aps. Eric Nyamekye, “is not for the clergy only”.

As a result, HUM is able to bring on board many other young people who want to use their skills to serve the Church voluntarily. IDT therefore calls for more reflections in other ministries. The clergy responsibilities are quite huge, and it is factual that they cannot do it alone. The pulpit ministry space is not enough for all members, considering our huge numbers.

In HUM, the IDT also calls for collaborative efforts among subcommittees and departments. The aim or vision is one, and thus, the need for mutual complements. Perhaps, other ministries of the church may consider these learnings from HUM to engage other willing laity or stakeholders who are called by God to serve in His vineyard.

Sustaining the IDT culture is a recommendation for great accomplishments in the future. This is possible when close supervision and strong leadership are provided at the base where things happen.

In conclusion, members of the Church are encouraged to be part of the squads established by various ministries at different levels. HUM stakeholders in the IDT chain are encouraged to receive this calling with all reverence and work worthy of the calling received. The slogan, ‘all things to all people’, must not just remain another chant, but become a collaborative and intentional effort among all subcommittees and departments as they strive to serve each other and work as a common team with a common goal and objective.

Article By Emmanuel Otchere Darko (Ps.) HUM Diaspora Missions Committee Head

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