Monday, March 10It's All About Jesus

Understanding And Identifying Your Calling To Live A Life Worthy Of It

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As part of the necessary steps for us to transform the world effectively, The Church of Pentecost has set a clear focus for this year: to unleash the entire church to live a life that reflects their divine calling. To achieve this, we must understand the nature of God’s call and explore the various ways in which we can identify our specific purposes.

Throughout the Bible, God periodically called people to Himself to fulfil a particular mandate or assignment. For instance, in Genesis 12, when God wanted to raise a generation or nation for Himself, He called Abram, whose name was later changed to Abraham, as a vessel to achieve this purpose. God communicated to Abraham his mandate as the father of many nations. Hence, Abraham lived his entire life fulfilling this fatherly assignment. Similarly, God called Moses to rescue the Israelites from Egypt, and this was his divine mandate as recorded in Exodus 3. Also, Peter and Paul were given specific mandates as apostles to the Jews and Gentiles, respectively (Galatians 2:7). This implies that whenever God calls a person, there is an intended purpose behind the calling.

So, what then is the call of God? From what I have established so far, the call of God can be viewed as the divine mandate, purpose, and will of God concerning our lives when we come into partnership with Him through Jesus Christ. In other words, it is what God has made you to be and what He wants you to do. The call of God is twofold, known as the ultimate and specific calls.

The Ultimate Call, also referred to as the general call, is the invitation God extends to all of mankind. The purpose of this calling is for everyone to be like His Son, Jesus, and to conform to His image and character (Romans 8:28-30). This is the overarching purpose of God for our lives here on earth. He accomplishes this by sending Jesus Christ, who lived, died, and rose again—not only to save us from our sins but also to provide us with a model of how to live. Therefore, it is expected that anyone in Christ Jesus must exemplify His character, and that is why the Apostle Paul, in Ephesians 4:1, urged the church to demonstrate a lifestyle that is consistent with the calling of Christ Jesus. Another important aspect of this call is that we have been called to declare the glory and praise of God through our deeds, which should lead others to Christ (1 Peter 2:9-10, Matthew 5:16, 2 Corinthians 5:18-20). The Ultimate Call sets the foundation for recognising and understanding our Specific Call.

The Specific Call of God comes after one has entered into fellowship with Jesus and has decided to live for Him. The person is then set apart by God and equipped (gifted) to play a particular role in the Kingdom of God (2 Timothy 2:20-21). This is when God reveals to you the specific purpose for which He created you in Christ Jesus, as stated in Ephesians 2:10. At this stage, you begin to live a purpose-driven life. It is important to understand that every born-again believer has a specific calling. Although the calls may vary from one person to another, they are all meant and used by God to advance His Kingdom here on earth. In other words, the body of Christ has one mission; however, every member of this body has been assigned a unique role to play in achieving this mission, which is the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth. For instance, some may be called to be ministers of the Word and equipped by God to serve in one of the five-fold ministries—Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, or Teachers. Others might be called to serve as kingdom financiers, where God positions them in specific professions within the corporate world. Through His blessings and special gifts, they become the financial backbone of the church, enabling the advancement of God’s work.

In light of this, how can we identify our specific calling in the Lord?

Identifying your specific call after you have responded to the Ultimate Call in Christ Jesus does not just happen overnight. It comes with patience and endurance, as God tests you to fully prepare you to handle your specific divine assignment. Below are some tips that can help us identify our unique callings in the Lord:

  1. Go to God in Prayer: Seek God in prayer concerning your divine assignment and do not assume it on your own, for you may miss it. It is through the place of prayer that we engage God to receive the blueprint for our lives (Acts 13:2, Jeremiah 33:3).
  2. Spend Quality Time with the Word of God: The Word of God is a lamp to our feet, and fellowship with the Holy Spirit, who knows the mind of God, is essential for clarity and direction.
  3. Align Yourself with Godly Men and Mature Christians: Surround yourself with individuals who have a similar calling or mantle for guidance and mentorship.
  4. Be Available for Service: Always be available for service both in the house of God and in the corporate world, as this is vital in bringing out the gifts that can help us identify our callings.
  5. Take Cognisance of Your Godly Passions: Pay attention to your God-given passions and subject them to the vetting of the Holy Spirit for clearer direction and wisdom.

In summary, God’s calling unfolds in two dimensions: the Ultimate and Specific callings. The Ultimate Call is God’s invitation for each of us to conform to the image of Jesus Christ and to live for Him in all things. As we continue to live Christ-centred lives, God sets us apart and reveals our specific calling. Though these callings may differ, the ultimate purpose remains the same—to advance God’s Kingdom on earth.

Written by Elder Richmond Judah Ayitey Ayee (Presiding Elder, PIWC Beijing Central, China)

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